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Walt Maclay interviewed in Wall Street Journal article


Sarah Needleman quoted Walt Maclay, President and Chief Engineer of Voler, in her Wall Street Journal article “Creating a Consultancy Out of What You Practice,”recognizing his domain expertise and his leadership in Silicon Valley technical consulting associations, his PATCA presidency being his most recent. Walt is an experience consultant with an established practice and a rich network of contacts. Walt was able to clearly articulate his commitment to solving client and prospects problems by involving the right firms, even his competitors from time to time. Needleman captured this in the following paragraph from the article:

Befriend your competitors. Consultants often refer one another to clients they can’t satisfy. “Some get more jobs than they can handle or they get a job that’s not quite right for their expertise,” says Mr. Maclay. They may recommend you to a client,and you should reciprocate when it makes sense, he explains.

For full article see



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